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Katherine Lia also has extensive experience and qualifications in the following discplines:
Free Your Mind & Be YOU
Gold and White Balloons

Love Flow Energetics Coaching

   Authentic divine expression

              of the Soul

This is Katherine Lia's Signature Evolutionary Coaching System. Learn to live life as Art aligned with body/heart/mind technologies of this Golden Age we are now all living in.


Humanity is grieving all it's unprocessed pain right now for what feels like a loss of what was. The old world is revealing to us the shadow side that must be revealed from within and without, acknowledged and released. It's time for our "masks"of protection and strength to fall away and to go into the vulnerability in order to reveal the truth of who we really are and what we are capable of creating from this Unified field in, through and all around us. Aligning with The Law of nature, that we are all apart of balances and harmonizes us to our truth of Being.


We must be courageous enough to be vulnerable and to go into the difficult spaces where we do not know what is going on, where you don't have the answers, and you don't have control. We allow for the processing of emotions to be most important than anything else in the world. By doing this, being and allowing all emotions to come up and be released we are also healing humanity and the world. This is the most important work that any one individual can do for hUmaNITY right now. It is a choice.


We are all at a choice point in history like no other and where ever we put our focus gets bigger. So you get to choose for YOU. The way we have been controlled in the past has been through fear, lies (lack, scarcity, limitation) and doubt and it's all about distracting us from awakening to our true authentic power and potentiality.


The only thing keeping this old paradigm in place which has collapsed a while ago, is the limited mind looping around again and again like a recording device. We need an upgrade in our operating system and a rejuvenating and nourishing the heart and soul software system in place. This ascension and evolution is happening within all of us and it is easier to learn how to flow with nature than to keep fighting against it.


It's a re-patterning and a reprogramming that supports your dreams come true. It starts with YOU saying Yes to YOU! It begins with you remembering and relearning to love yourself in a whole new way of Being that goes against what we have been taught for centuries now. The war program passed on through our DNA from our ancestors has created a lot of trauma and conflict within each of us that we hold inside the cells of the body/mind. We no longer have to hold onto this and can release it all. Its a choice we all must make for ourselves and no one else can do this for you. It does not have to be scary and you do not have to do this alone. Katherine has gone before you so you do not have to figure this all out by yourself. Katherine has the ability to hold a sacred container of high frequency healing energies and the ability to be a wise guide by your side. 


Again you can choose to do this now or not. I honor your choice whatever that is. Its the sitting on the fence that hurts the most. It is in us taking a stand for our truth, speaking it outloud and being radically honest with ourselves that creates a release that then sets ourselves free. It is not always easy and is the most magnificent journey you will ever go on. It takes the courage and conviction of a Spiritual Warrior. Katherine knows YOU have what it takes. Katherine knows what you are really made up of. By following your heart and soul you are filled with the lightness of Being and the next step is always revealed. This inner journey becomes your greatest contribution to humanity and to The Great Mother Gaia. 


We are being asked to balance the masculine and feminine within us. We are all learning how to open up our hearts just a little bit more to receive the love that is here for us now. To open up our love and abundance channels to flow evermore and expanding our consciousness as a human species. The war is on our consciousness and it is vital we wake up and claim our Sovereignty and freedom. Like no other time in history.


We are the Master Souls , the bravest of them all, that came here to throw ourselves into our own projections. unwind all of the madness, to wake up now in a deep compassion for the human conflicted condition that we have all found ourselves in and Be truly free. We got the Golden ticket. Not every soul was brave enough to come here to forget who they are in order to find their way home again.


You are one of these Soul's or you would not be here right now. We all need you to know who you really are so that you can fill in the missing puzzle piece that is your unique brilliance that only you can fill. So we can keep connecting the dots, rise up together in unity and all Be home again.


The New Earth is already here for us to claim and to be created from the heart with love. The Universe is our mirror and is always reflecting back to us what we believe we deserve. When understood you can deliberately create more of the life you truly desire and let go of what is no longer serving you. Many of us have experienced traumas from childhood that are still playing out in our adult lives at the identity and subconscious level that does not serve us any longer.


Old patterns and beliefs tends to wreak havoc in our relationships, health, purpose and or finances, where we continue to sabotage our efforts, play small and stay stuck. This is from the past programming and conditioning passed onto us from society, parents and ancestors. So it is not your fault and Katherine can help you permanently delete your old outdated beliefs and help you create the new beliefs to support you in all of your dreams coming true.


You have an innate knowing that life could be better and you are ready to do something about it. Katherine's signature, evolutionary coaching system is backed up by science at the cutting edge of science on many levels. She intuitively designs a coaching experience for your unique needs in a way that is gentle, yet powerful. It can be tangibly experienced and applied in everyday life for profound shift. She comes from a place of knowing you already have within you your unique imaginal masterpiece of your own Divine design inside you. She can meet you where ever you are at, go as deep as you are willing to go and help you lift as high as you are willing to lift.


The most important relationship is You with YOU. When in right relationship with You everything else falls into place. Katherine's heart sings the moment a client is ready to go on their own to shine their light so bright for all to see and now soar. Katherine celebrates your every win along side you. As YOU begin to recognize your true worth on a whole new level. YOU own your value. You are an unique expression of the divine. There’s no other you out there, your value is innate. And there lies the precursor to a life of worth, true prosperity and beautiful relationships of love beginning with you. You get to go first by saying YES to you and claiming your birthright and true nature! 


 Katherine will help you go from seed to bloom and thrive! From caterpillar to buterfly and soar! You get to have more peace, love, joy, clarity, creative flow, bliss, abundance and freedom in every area of your life. The discovery that awaits you is beyond anything you could possibly imagine.


As we learn to connect with this unique divine soul expression, our lives become a series of divine experiences. A clarion call to discover more of our true nature supports our dreams to manifest as the miracle of our everyday lives that we are! Namaste.

What else is possible? 

Book Now for a complimentary Sacred Discovery Call & Free Your Mind session that will blow your mind and create clarity for next steps. Put, Discovery Call, in the subject line for inquiries please.

"Katherine’s unique brilliances of deep vision allow her to help others identify these experiences of being fully alive and help us understand their resonances within our innermost beings. I would have to call this facet of her brilliance the “Transformative Brilliance” of the Universal Shaman and or Medicine Woman. Thanks for all the blessings Katherine” ~ Tim Tipton, Artist, USA


Clearing Beliefs Boutique

       You Have A Dream 

Let Katherine help you with making your dreams a reality well lived. 


You are done being held back from living your dream life and you know getting to the core cause of the beliefs taken on from early childhood s where it is at to produce real change in your life. Otherwise these old patterns continue to run the show. You know you want more and this is no longer okay. Enough is enough. You have come to the right place.


Do you want more clarity in your life? Does your heart and soul relentlessly yearn deeply within you for something more? Do you feel like something is blocking your progress or success and nothing else you have tried has worked up until now? Do you have a burning passion to step into the life you were always meant to be living, feeling fully alive, aligned and on track with your divine unique soul’s purpose? Are you ready to Be the change you want to see in the world? Are you a Spiritual Warrior looking for direction? 


Old negative and limiting beliefs create doubts, low self-esteem, fear, shame, guilt, sabotage, ambivalence, avoidance, victimhood and procrastination that no longer serves us as adults. 


Their negative influence impacts our relationships, health, finances, fulfilling our divine purpose, our attitude, moods, and behaviors therefore the kinds of actions we are willing to take. 


These inner blocks and resistance directly interfere with the free flow of love, truth, creativity and wisdom in our lives. 


These obstacles in our path prevent us from doing what we need to do to real-eyes and experience our deepest desires.


You’ve probably seen how inner blocks and resistance have impacted your own life already. When you transform your limiting and negative beliefs, you’ll become unstoppable.


Katherine Lia specializes in getting to the root of the root of the core of the core cause and helps you eliminate distortions and outdated beliefs permanently from your field so you no longer get in your own way of creating your dreams. What would that be worth to you?


Katherine doesn't just help people solve their problems she helps you dissolve your problems completely.


You’ll learn to integrate new, empowering beliefs into your daily life and behavior.

It's gentle yet powerful and many clients report profound positive change occurs in every area of their life.


It is like having a magic wand that can create immediate positive and permanent shifts in your life.


Imagine what you could accomplish in your life? You have the technology inside you and you have what it takes to create your dreams come true.  If you can dream it you can achieve it. This is inevitable when you consistently take action from a place of clarity and increased awareness.

Katherine can help you produce true, long-lasting transformation and success going forward.  Katherine works with you on many multi-dimensional levels including the body, mind, heart, emotional, spiritual and soul level. The imaginal realm is activated at a subconscious and superconscious level. This is why it works, unlike other systems that just work on one level at a time.


Are you ready to liberate yourself from the old outdated indoctrinated beliefs holding you back from what you know is possible? Then let's get started.


Book Now for a complimentary Sacred Discovery Call & Free Your Mind session that will blow your mind and create clarity for next steps. Put, Discovery Call, in the subject line for inquiries please.






Quantum Clairvoyant Readings

You can easily get access to Katherine's powerful healing work by gifting yourself with a Sacred Quantum Clairvoyance Reading. To give yourself crystal clarity about a life situation that will help you positively shift it going forward. At this time you may be noticing a pattern that is repeating itself and challenging you by showing up as drama, trauma and or chaos? Its always easier to shift it at the quantum energetic level.




Crystal Energy Card Readings

Taking you the furthest into your future self for more clarity.  Crystal energy card readings (imbued with the crystals frequency) can produce a knowing within that collapses timelines and allows you to Be your desired future self now with your next steps revealed.

Great in inspiring yourself further to enjoying your creative projects more.

 Avesa Medical Intuitive

                Spiritual Energy Scans

Enlightening you to your Seven Chakras and where you can create more expansion from the high heart perspective. The Seven Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies where energy flows. The high heart for the 5D and beyond is now the base Chakra to where we are lifting in frequency to the next level for the divine human awakening and remembering who you really are. There are 12 high heart Chakras of the original galactic Divine Blueprint. The Divine intelligence of the sacred body temple and the 5D mind were designed for these times of human ascension. Instantaneous manifestation is possible now. Being aligned is essential for more ease and grace as the body attunes, integrates and acclimates to the higher frequencies. This process empowers you to know where to put your focus so you feel better right away and you know the next steps to keep lifting. It feels like a coming home as you continue to expand your consciousness ever more.








Sacred Akashic Record Reading

Learn more about your Soul's Specialties.  Insights to yourself, your soul aligned purpose and your love life.

Life circumstance clearings of life presenting itself in the physical realm as patterns, blocks and restrictions distorting your auric field. that you would rather not be experiencing quite in the same way. You choose to transmute it back to love, harmony and balance to zero point.


Rock in Sand
Mountain and River

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

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