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A Magnificent Hero's Journey

Hello, I'm Katherine Lia, an Evolutionary Artist of The Heart and Soul. My own Hero's Journey of my own spiritual evolution and intuitive development has led me to open up and lighten to having much more fun with it all. This for me has been a long and sometimes very difficult process and it need not be a long as difficult process for you. You do not need to do it alone. This is my Soul's highest purpose to help others awaken to live the life they were always meant to be living.

When I started more than 19 yrs ago, after my major awakening when I experienced a spontaneous kundalini rising experience that I was not prepared for at the time at al. This was during the demise of my marriage. With two young children to raise, and a husband that was not there for me when I needed him the most, my life turned upside down completely to unrecognizable. I knew I had to get strong fast. All of the trauma, emotions, fears and doubts that had happened when I was three years old, which I had no idea had happened up until then, was bubbling up to the surface for me to see and at the time this was terrifying. This was the beginning of my shamanic awakening and Source was there to teach me the way through to becoming divinely human.

I thought that I truly loved myself up to this point and this Satori, my major awakening, tore down my walls of denial, illusion and mini self-betrayals, changing my life completely forever in an instant. I felt ripped open, raw, and so vulnerable in a way I would not wish this on anyone.

As soon as I committed to only walking on the path of truth from now on, "The beauty way" the Universe met me half way showing me the clarity of my next step. I had my good days and my bad days, yet I was determined to heal my past wounds and make all of my dreams come true.

The worst thing that ever happened to me became the best thing that ever happened to me!

Now this is my powerful truth! I found out who I really am and this knowing just keeps expanding.

I came here in this lifetime to awaken to who I really am. I prepared myself by finding a way in, through and around all the obstacles before me as I walked closer towards my dreams and I have never stopped. There is something inside of me that is relentless and will not let me play small.

Through my greatest challenges of being abused as a child of three, molested by men three times my age by age 14 yrs old, being beaten and bullied by older children and teachers most of my life growing up, I survived it all, I also created my own self fulfilling prophecy that played out well into my adult years. It was this major awakening that I owe so much gratitude, courage, compassion and strength. It is why I know what I know today and what brought me here to be of the greatest service that I can offer to humanity at this time to help reduce suffering, fear, struggle and pain.

Through it all I learned to trust following my heart and moving towards those things that light up my soul. I continued to see the beauty in everything and everyone, of which I discovered, no one could change, fix or destroy within me, no matter what. This is the stillness within that is my inner knowing, my inner genius that nudges me and informs me of what to go towards next.

Now more than ever this inner knowing has been cultivated, cherished and it has served me well along the way to learn to trust my inner knowing more than anyone or anything else. This inner knowing within all human beings is needed more than ever to navigate these turbulent waters before us. This outer world where distraction, half truths and deception is common place.

To be here now in my authentically powerful “I am” presence, to share with you, the divine wisdom while living my life's purpose into the unchartered journey of the body/mind/heart and soul brings me the most joy. I have deliberately created a life that is full of magic and miracles in a way that keeps unfolding out from the great mystery as I reconnect with The Law of Nature my brightest dreams are being revealed. I choose to say yes to me and I have faith and trust all is truly well. It's into the great unknown I go.

As an Evolutionary Artist of the Heart and Soul, Master Quantum Healer and Spiritual Inner Alchemy Coach, there is nothing more that I'd rather be doing than to be in service to help guide others to knowing more of who they really are, To help them heal themselves and awaken to their highest and brightest truth. To be the one to hold sacred space and help bring in more of the ease and grace that is here for us all into every session that I'm the facilitator of. Miracles profound shift and quantum leaps are happening in every session. Are you open to experiencing magic and miracles too?

If we just say "yes, YES!" to ourselves first this is the beginning of something very sacred and special.

The fun and the magic of your own inner journey starts to reveal itself to you through all my Sacred Soul Level Readings, Healings and Coaching that I offer you today. This is my purpose and mission on the highest and what I am most enthusiastic and passionate about.

As a Master Quantum Healer and Spiritual Inner Alchemy Coach, you too can learn The Living Art of Evoking your Genius to knowing more of who you really are through Sacred Soul Level Realignments in what ever service you choose, this is the common thread and theme.

The world as your mirror, especially in your relationships and your life situations, can powerfully help you make a quantum leap into your own evolution, creating and maintaining your own energy of love's expression in the dance of love that is taught and can be learned. Love Flow Energetics™ honors and values the Self Mastery and sacredness already within you. You empower yourself more and more, you speak your truth and you create your unique heart song, your dreams come true and honor your Soul's desires, in service yourself out into the world in a way that lights you up too.

Masterful evoking is about calling forth your genius essence so that it no longer resides inside as potential and instead brought forth uniquely by you, through you and for you. You embody your Soul fully present as "I am", where it transforms you into your true authentic self that will effect your life and the world that is meaningful for you in so many powerful and magical ways. Blessing us all. A world where everyone wins.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

This is my specialty in helping you align with your soul's unique expression and be the change you want to see in the world. If you have tried other modalities and nothing else has worked for you, you have come to the right place. Katherine does not just help solve your problems she helps you dissolve them permanently.

With many evolutionary tools at her fingertips, including energy medicine, belief clearing at the root core cause all the old outdated beliefs sabotaging you keeping you stuck in a pattern loop of the limited mind. Now you can liberate yourself to experiencing more peace, love, joy, abundance and freedom. Now you can create all your dreams come true the way you always knew was possible. It's a one stop shop where Katherine helps you flourish and thrive.

When you decide to live the questions, life will move you into the answers:

Your Soul Profile

Who am I? (not what you do or the role you play)

What do I really desire?

What is my purpose?

What are my unique skills and talents?

What do I expect in a meaningful relationship?

The questions you ask should have an evolutionary purpose as well as create joy in you. Everyone is energetically effected by the answer and your choice, every time.

I invite you to co-create with me for a complimentary Sacred Soul-Discovery Session.

"May all your dreams include your reality."

Email me at with complimentary Sacred Soul-Discovery Session

in the subject line.

I hope to hear from you soon. Namaste.

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