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   Our Golden Age Expansion Of Essence Sessions 

                 ~Offered by Katherine Lia        

     An Evolutionary Artist Of The Heart & Soul Of Infinite Possibilities

  This Is Your Clarion Call

To Going To The Next Level OF Your Sovereignty

      For All Creatives, Visionaries, Lineage Holders, Heart Centered Leaders, StarSeeds, Spiritual Warriors Of The Light

And Soulful-Entrepreneurs, Serious About Transformation

To Be The Change You Want To See In The World.

    If Not YOU then Who? If Not Now Then When?




What Else Is Possible?

Welcome Home Dear Ones!


 Free Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Know Your Truth

Embrace Your Uniqueness

        Learning A Whole New Way Of Being & Living It Daily       

Managing Your Energy Is Key To Fully Engaging Your Life

 Expanding Your Awareness Everlasting 

                Transformation & Healing With More Ease & Grace

        Claim Your Inner Alchemy Heart Mastery

    Be Your Sovereign Self & Remember Who You Really Are

                Through The Laws of Nature and Unity Consciousness                              Abundance & Instantaneous Manifestation Is Possible

      Through YOU, For YOU and as YOU now!

       It's YOUR Birth-right!

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“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

Fantasy Landscape

Hummingbird medicine shows us to choose more joy & bliss & making the impossible possible.  This is your birthright.

Blue Hummingbird

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science." – Albert Einstein

Pink and Black Butterfly

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it’s beauty.” – Albert Einstein

Areas covered can include:

Love and Relationships




Career: New Opportunities and Promotion

Guidance for Future Goals and Desires




Inner Growth and Spiritual Development 

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein

Beautiful Nature

“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” ― Albert Einstein

Beautiful Nature

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” ― Albert Einstein

   Reconnecting with The Law of Nature is           yours to claim as your authentic truth of          presence, abundance & beauty as your                    genuine nature and living Art.

Bouquet of Peonies

Heal Your Heart, Expand Your True Essence

       Radiate & Shine Your Truest Light

Lovers by a Pond
I Love You

Calling All Lion's & Lionesses 

    Arise & Roar With Love!

Predator's Love

Heal Your Money Story &

   Expand Your Abundance


The beauty of igniting your fire and taking flight

Beauty of Flight


Katherine Lia  As A  Gentle Guide By Your Side. Acts As The Bridge To The 5th D, New Earth and Beyond To Help You Lift Off Of The 3D-4D Density Matrix Of Pain, Struggle & Suffering In A Way That Is Lasting. Do you wish to know yourself as the Universe and receive all the love and support the Universe has for you as your birthright? Are you ready to do what it takes to experience this now? Katherine is here to Welcome YOU home with the most powerful and evolutionary tools needed in these times to help you midwife your New Earth reality! 


​       "What we imagine, we can create."~ Albert Einstein​

Changing Your Energy From The Inside Out Changes Your Outer World Circumstances. Are You open To Miracles Happening In Your Life & New Infinite Possibilities To Be Your Reality? Are You Ready To Say Yes To YOU and transform your life on your terms?

“ Enlightenment is a journey without distance. Truth is inside you, covered up by wrong ideas. Everything you want is on the other side of who you think you are. When the person moves out the Universe moves in. ” - Aaron Abke

Humanity is grieving all it's unprocessed pain right now for what feels like a loss of what was. We are all being asked to heal our hearts from the centuries of trauma on the planet. The old world paradigm is revealing to us the shadow side that must be revealed from within and without, acknowledged and released. It's time for our "masks"of protection to fall away to reveal the truth of who we really are, what we are all capable of when we learn to expand our hearts more and working together as Unified. The New Earth is already here for us to claim and to be created from the heart with love.  It is your unique genius that is most valued here.

The world as we have known it has changed. We all have our comfort zone and many humans have been shaken to their core. Katherine was shaken to her core in 2001 by a major awakening where nothing was the same again. Katherine looks back now and realizes the worst thing that ever happened to her was the best thing that ever happened for her. She found that the only way through was a deeper surrender to a love she had not yet known, a deeper surrender of Spirit and in that, grace happened. These spiritual principles are simple, yet the leap in trust and deeper surrender is the journey of our true liberation.


Do you ever feel like some things in your life keep on happening to you no matter how hard you try to shift them? How many people do you think there are on the planet that have suffered with self criticism, self judgement, self sabotage and have believed there is something wrong with them? Or maybe that they just do not feel they belong, or can relate to others and or suffer from some kind of addiction? 


Do you feel a need to immerse yourself in some form of benevolent oneness as opposed to isolation and anxiety of believing in separation? Know that you are not alone and we are all being asked to heal this from our lives and heal our broken hearts now at a much deeper level than ever before. All suffering is from thinking we are separate from one another. At the root of all this is your self mastery of Oneness. Katherine knows your truth. Did you know that millions of people worldwide have been able to achieve life-changing breakthroughs via high quality past life regression sessions, where nothing else tried has worked? 


Katherine Lia provides an exceptionally rare and state-of-the-art quality of sessions that can reveal past lives, future lives (or the future of one’s spiritual self), and sojourns in the heavens between Earth embodiments. 


Past life regression sessions have a myriad of benefits. Memories revealed from a past life allow individuals to alter their perspectives on their current lives. These Golden Age regression sessions helps people to understand who they are, learn how past life events have affected present life circumstances, and to offer insight into hidden conflicts so that repeating patterns may be dissolved and completed for good. 


Awareness created through these regression sessions allows mental, physical, and emotional release. Clients may let go of deep-seated emotions, fears, shame and guilt that often result in the relief of such problems as: 


● chronic pain

● alcoholism

● jealousy

● arthritis

● claustrophobia

● agoraphobia

● migraine headaches

● weight problems

● insomnia

● obsessive/compulsive behaviors

● chemical dependencies

● depression

● sexual dysfunctions

● Heal Childhood Traumas

● Heal Past Life Relationships

● Heal Traumas, fears and phobias (fear of being seen, fear, of being manipulated, punished, abused, etc.)

● Healing Blocks to Financial Abundance


You may have a block to your wealth consciousness whether you have a lot of money or not, that was created in a past lifetime and keeps you from experiencing your birthright of inner peace, abundance and true freedom. Many wealthy people go after their dreams and get everything they thought that they wanted, and they find themselves very unhappy. Material success can no longer be the excuse to the way that they may access their freedom.

Katherine doesn't just help you solve your problems she helps you dissolve your problems for good at the root of the root and at the core of the cause in a way that is permanent.


Self-realization, awakening, a shift in perception and accessing more of your expanded consciousness is what heals the past quantum-style. Embracing your uniqueness and expanding your consciousness is what is most valuable to The New Earth. This is  created from the multi-dimensional heart/mind in this new era of the Golden Age of Aquarius. Choosing to tap into your unique inner genius and knowing to transform yourself to be a more awakened human being is a choice that only you can choose for you. No one else can choose to do this for you. This is your magnificent Hero's Journey of self discovery and love.


Many clients report experiencing more compassion, strength, flexibility and a known courage from within that really serves. As You discover more about your true self and move towards your dreams come true a steadfast commitment, focused awareness and complete trust reveals itself, where you know you can handle whatever arises in each moment and creativity flourishes.


You begin to experience being in the zone, more calm, centered, in creative flow with more ease and grace. The mysterious realm between the worlds, where famous poet & philosopher Rumi may be waiting for you. Provides a wisdom that transcends the limitations of our mind, can be all it takes to create miracles in your life, during these intense changing times that we are now in. Where we are ALL being asked by a natural life force greater than our individual selves (in-divid-u-will) to evolve our EGO's (E-Edge, G-God, O-Out). To go from Human Doings to Being Divinely Human  that is who we truly are now, always have been and always will Be. Some of us just have forgotten and are now awakening and remembering.

This is a simpler process than your limited mind wants you to know. Simple yet not always easy. I call this alchemical healing process the dance of love. You getting in right relationship with YOU is all that really matters. You get to say yes to loving you and learning the dance that will truly set you free.


With the help of Our Golden Age Expansion of Essence Sessions, Katherine masterfully facilitates and guides you to go back to a past life (or forward to a future life), to find, clear and heal what's blocking you from experiencing the ease and grace of Being in "right" relationship with true wealth, health and relationships with self and other and radiates outward from within. For example, you can clear blocks to money and wealth from a past life, remember exactly how you achieved wealth in a former lifetime to integrate and embody its wisdom in this lifetime in a way that will most serve you now.


Access an additional past life of wealth, affluence and abundance and reclaim a life of peace, love, joy, freedom and prosperity in all areas of your life. 


More Ways That Past Life Regression Can Help You


● Reconnect with past life experiences

●Helps you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places

● Explore your past life and current soulmate experiences

●Identify physical ailments you have which may be remnants of past life experiences

●Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain

●Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives


Healing Inner Child Wounds of Abandonment

● Feels Left out

● Fears being left

● Hates being alone

● Co-dependency

● Threatens to leave

● Normally attracts emotionally unavailable people


Heal Inner Child Wounds of 

● Guilt and Shame

● Feels sorry or bad

● Doesn’t like to ask for things

● Uses guilt to manipulate

● Is afraid to set boundaries

● Normally attracts people who make them feel guilty


 Our inner child wounds such as abandonment, guilt, trust, and neglect can still be affecting our lives as adults if we do not address them, but once addressed distortions can be released permanently from your auric field and the truth revealed in a way that feels like a coming home. Let's allow our divine energies to clear our old belief systems, emotions, limitations, doubts and fears, and everything not serving us from the core root to make room for not only a new YOU, or a new year but a new era of wellbeing-ness for the goodness of the ALL where everyone wins.  

Katherine's life work has been put together in a way where you can also work with her for 3 months in order to unravel 26, 000 years of war programming and terror still held in our nervous systems and our DNA passed on to us from the many generations of our ancestors  come before us. Ask Katherine about her Evolutionary Coaching System, Love Flow Energetics, custom fit with your greatest needs in mind. Katherine created this quantum healing and coach program with you in mind so you would not have to take 20 years of your life to figure it out on your own.


Katherine has done a lot of the heavy lifting so you could learn to enjoy the process sooner than later. Her many tools in her toolbox are endless and evolutionary and revolutionary meant to be used now by humanity. We cannot stop evolution from happening, We can keep trying to resist. It's in the resistance that pain, struggle and suffering program and old paradigm gets perpetuated.


Change, death and taxes are certain. Maybe digging in our heals is not really working and its time to say Yes to Being the change we want to see in the world and living our purpose now. Without you knowing all of who you really are, I will not know all of who I really am. This is how significant your existence has on this world and there is nothing more that you can do for hUmaNITY right now than to choose to say YES to YOU and discover who You really are by doing the inner work/play and freeing your limited mind by transcending it and being aligned with your unique truth and essence that only you can bring.


You are an important piece of the puzzle that reveals the grander plan of what truly is. This is beyond our human and limited mind and is found in the mystery and the uncertainty, where we learn to trust our own inner knowing and unique Soul's Expression that only you can bring.

You are a Master or you would not be here on the Great Mother Gaia at this time of The Great Awakening. You are a brave Soul that came to experience it all. You threw yourself into your own projections to see if you could find your way home again. This is how brilliant you truly are. It's all beyond words when you are fully aligned body/mind/heart and Spirit. You prepare the body to embody your soul. You are Soul-filled and Soul Lead with the love and light you have been seeking for lifetimes. It is all for you here and now. You need only remember again. I would be honored to be that guide by your side and be a witness to your magnificent transformation.

Katherine Lia’s Golden Age Expansion of Essence Sessions assist clients in clearing childhood traumas, past life traumas, fears, beliefs, emotions that are interfering with our life purpose, relations, finances, health, and or career. These past or in-between life, age or future life progressions can create a profound shift at the core root cause that other modalities tried in the past could not effect.  Is this your time to Be An Artist Of Possibilities? Katherine can show you the way to your Divine Design & Unique Being-ness.


Katherine Lia,

Your SiStar here to Be of the greatest service to YOU and your Sacred Journey Of Expanding Your Unique Essence. So needed at this time in history, like no other. By choosing to go to the next level you help expand the collective consciousness of the The Great Awakening happening now as evolution through us and through this Amazing Planet Gaia that we are all a part of. This inner journey is the most important work that any one individual person can do to make the greatest paradigm shift for Team hUmaNITY to living a better quality of life. Feeling safe, at peace, loved, in joy, abundant and feeling true freedom for the highest good for ALL. And so It IS! Aho!


It starts with your choice and we are all at a choice point, do we continue to live in the indoctrinated war program of fear, lack, scarcity avoidance and self doubt or do we choose to say, "Yes, YES!", to ourselves and discover who we really are at our core? Katherine has ancient healing technologies and evolutionary tools she wants to share with you, when you're ready to say yes to you.

Check out her other Services page for getting more Clarity, Belief Clearing & Self Mastery Coaching etc. to find what's best for you.

Book a 15 minute Chat Session and let's chat.


Sand Dunes

Wellness on ALL levels of YOUR Being-ness

Outdoor Meditation

"Do not rely on your mind for liberation. Go beyond it altogether. Be aware of being aware. Broaden and deepen the field of awareness. You are beyond space and time, uncaused, the very matrix of existence, the Supreme Absolute... the Source of being, life and consciousness."  ~Nisargadatta

What else is possible for YOU?

Rainbow and Waterfall
Rock Maze

“Katherine’s unique brilliance is she shines her light authentically in a way that is trustworthy and right away you feel like you are in the right place immediately.” ~ Hans, International Sports Journalist, Austria

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions." – Albert Einstein



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Katherine’s beautiful energy extends out into the universe and she has a way of connecting with others who might be hundreds of miles away.  I often feel her healing presence.  She is a healer in this lifetime….a gorgeous beacon of light reaching out to the masses and bringing hope.  Her energy is pure and unselfish.  It is rare to meet individuals like Katherine.”  ~Ursula C. Mentjes, #1 Best Selling Author of Selling With Intention and Selling With Synchronicity, Founder of, USA




"Katherine is a clear and heart-felt coach who can help you discover what's blocking you from the fulfillment you desire, as she's done for so many others!  If you're committed to change, you're in great hands with Katherine!"

 David Morelli,  #1 Podcast for years; Everything is Energy & Founder of Enwaken Coaching



“ I always thoroughly enjoy my sessions with Katherine. Her deep intuition, backed by many years of study, experience and her own soul searching, create a beautiful space for one to go within, search out truths and find the solutions that somehow seemed elusive before. I highly recommend her sessions to any-one who is ready to transform their lives!”

~ Peta, Enchanted Manor

All sessions available remotely via telephone, Skype, Zoom, etc. ~. Please contact Katherine for any personal queries

Disclaimer: These sessions are not a substitute for qualified medical or psychological intervention or assistance.

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